
Thursday, September 11, 2014

1172 Agarwood Seminar 13th sept 2014 @ Sabah Horizon Hotel & 20 sept 2014 @ PJ Crystal Crown

1 mu = RM2,000,000 's return
"1172  agarwood plantation management  
4 years 9 months 13 days . morning 10 am to evening 6 pm Venue: Gaya Centre Hotel , Kota Kinabalu September 20, 2014,

1 acres of land   a one thousand agarwood trees  + 7 years  + RM2,000,000 = 1 1 7 2
" Agarwood is a forest of black gold ( Black Gold of the Forest ), articles in the world manufactured with Agarwood numerous, it is the main raw material manufacture of perfume, a symbol of all major religions, advanced medicine, aristocratic, sculpture collection treasures. country folk grow strongly encouraged, therefore the potential market is very large. " Kagome Chardonnay and benefit companies that see the future potential of agarwood trees and incense manufactures and trends in the world, so the collection of Liu Yin good idea consultants and company experts, growers and entrepreneurs want to make fun of those who, through meticulous planning and the benefits of planting fruit Mydrin plan together to create and share hundreds of millions of ringgit a new Aquilaria tree market.

The object and purpose
Assist park owners, landlords and entrepreneurs, so that they can re-establish their careers, and then you can enjoy the freedom of life of property, but also to promote agricultural development of the country
Aquilaria sinensis convened by the club members together to create and share hundreds of millions of ringgit a new Aquilaria tree market.
Provide successful program, do not take the long route to achieve more with less
Assist national to become Asia's largest exporter of agarwood trade
Who Should Attend?
Park owners, landlords, housing industry developers, entrepreneurs, listed companies, investors, and to re-establish his own business partners.
Topic Introduction
"1172 agarwood plantation management and money scene
1.    incense market and channel strategy 
2.     confirm agarwood planting methods and costing  3.     How to choose the right variety and high quality agarwood trees
4     Artificial incense and incense oil refining technology
5     six-step system of planting agarwood
6     How successful inter-species aloes and other crops
7.     Agarwood market demand, development and economic value of the future
8.      ECO aloes planted + ECO bird house engineering + ECO plan living environment
9.     study incense Park

Instructor: Liu Yin-liang Agarwood consultant
- Bachelor of Information Technology and the University of Queensland, Australia
-Eco Midori SB -Executive Director
-Eco Gaharu SB  -Executive Director
- Today, College of Agriculture agarwood planting consultant
- number of listed companies grow aloes consultant

Now enroll "1172  agarwood plantation management and money scene "
Immediate action to call, SMS or email registration
016 7789321  Jasmine Chee
Email  :  eco.midori@gmail.com  
Investment: RM680 limit of the first 10 -bit, 10 -bit outside applicants RM1000
          (Includes handouts, refreshments, lunch)

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