
Monday, September 19, 2011

ECO Agarwood Enhancer

Mr Edmond Liew explain Eco Gaharu Enhancer ,how fast Agarwood can grow.
1st Video is before Eco Gahru Enhancer  , 2nd video is after Eco Gaharu Enhancer
ECO Agarwood Enhancer

EcoAgarwood Enhancer is an additive for application to various stages of Agarwood tree growth and for readying soil for the planting of Agarwood plants. It differs from chemical or organic fertilizers due to its active and proprietary properties that promote healthy and productive growth.

A totally environmentally-friendly and non-toxic product, EcoAgarwood Enhancer consists of a consortium of essential and supplementary microorganisms and enzymes that creates a well-primed ecosystem that gives holistic and balanced replenishment to both plant and soil.

EcoAgarwood Enhancer rejuvenates degraded soil and contains all the necessary micro and macro nutrients required by an ecosystem for optimal plant growth. It was developed by environmentalists whose aim is a return to a naturally-balance ecosystem for a greener Earth.

For Application to Foliar

EcoAgarwood Enhancer is first diluted in a ratio of one part Enhancer to 1000 parts of distilled water (rain or groundwater) to form a foliar spray. By spraying directly onto the plants and around the tree trunk, the EcoAgarwood Enhancer is absorbed through the leaves, bark and root. Please refer to professional staff for plant analysis and for detail instructions on usage.

Photosynthesis and root absorption ensures a healthy uptake and protection of the plants by creating a conducive environment for the plant that will deter degenerative or harmful bacteria from existing or attacking the plant. The beneficial microorganisms in EcoAgarwood Enhancer will also effectively carry and convert necessary nutrients and minerals required by the plant, prevents runoff and corrects any imbalance. Being liquid in nature, EcoAgarwood Enhancer offers the better of absorption by the plant.

For Application to Soil

EcoAgarwood Enhancer is diluted in a ratio of one part Enhancer to 300 parts distilled water (rain or groundwater) for an initial dose or for soil preparation, and one part Enhancer to 1000 parts water for subsequent applications. Stronger dilutions may be necessary for badly contaminated or depleted soil. Please refer to professional staff for soil analysis and for detail instructions on usage. The diluted Enhancer is then spread into the tilled ground.

EcoAgarwood Enhancer is the best solution to ground preparation for planting Agarwood. It supplements, corrects and maintains the chemical balance in the soil to build a complete ecosystem ready for all plants, especially Agarwood. It breaks down complex organic chains to simpler forms for easy and ready absorption by plants. Certain microorganisms exists simply to absorb nutrients that will prevent runoffs in heavy rain and releasing them whenever required by the plants.

  • Testimonies 
  •  1. I Love Eco Agarwood Enhancer, just use 1bottle 250ml , I can spray to 800 trees agarwood,it help me save a lot money. my Agarwood grow very fast and healthy. Thanks you Mr Edmond for your advice. by Mr. Tan Choi Meng, Johor , Farmer 
2. This eco agarwood enhancer very effective, my agarwood really grow much taller and healthier than I used those conventional fertilizer. from Kampa, Perak, Ah Keon, Farmer